The first show, Walt Disney's World on Ice, premiered in 1981 as one of four touring ice shows produced by Irvin & Kenneth Feld Productions under an agreement with Walt Disney Productions (now The Walt Disney Company). The show consisted of figure skating interpretations of various Disney movies. Walt Disney's World on Ice is ideal for children, but even adults can watch this wholesome ice show. The best way to do it is in Disney on Ice VIP boxes.
There are many Disney on Ice shows, but the first one was Walt Disney's World on Ice. From there started the long chain of different Disney shows on the ice. The most popular of these shows is Mickey Mouse's Birthday Party on Ice. The one-hour show is entertaining and funny, with a lot of humor to make children and adults laugh alike. You can watch the performance from any vantage point, but the best seats are in the Disney on Ice VIP boxes. Most Disney on Ice suites are situated above the audience, between the two sides of seating, and offer a clear view of the whole performance.
These ice shows are narrated versions of well-known Disney films with costumes, sets, and music are interwoven to create a classical ballet-like film adaptation. It is produced by Feld Entertainment and features some of Disney's most popular characters. The show's stars are credited as the Disney characters performing their parts in elaborate costumes. If you love Disney and have never watched Disney on Ice, it's time to find out about this amazing ice show by watching it in the best way with Disney on Ice club seats.
Made fundamentally for kids, Disney on Ice shows actors who are dressed in Disney cartoon roles in a show that represents the songs and plot of different shows that are played on the cartoon channel. The show's stars are credited as the Disney characters themselves, performing their parts in mock cameos. There is more fun coming your way when you get Disney on Ice VIP boxes for yourself and your family members.
The best way to watch this show is in the comfort of Disney on Ice suites. These boxes have a range of facilities to let you relax and enjoy the show in peace. The comfort is unmatched because you can choose your seats without worrying about anything else. Other facilities may include VIP club, in-seat attendant, private restrooms, VIP parking, and VIP event entrance. You can make your children's vacation memorable by taking them to Disney's World on Ice which is originated from Walt and book a Disney on Ice suite through our website.
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The size of a Disney on Ice suite varies depending on the suite's size, type, and location. Usually, a suite would cost you around $2000 to $4000. If you wish to get a single ticket on a shared suite, the price is $150 to $700. Book a Disney adventure for you and your family right now!
A Disney on Ice VIP box can accommodate around 18 to 30 guests. The capacity depends on the size of the premium box. These shows present a lot of fun bits, but one thing is for sure; you will be entertained throughout the show, especially in a comfortable luxury box!
VIP Boxes & Suites Are Great For Many Types Of Events
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VIP Boxes & Suites For Your Exclusive Needs
Whether you are hosting a corporate event or planning a private party, VIP Box Seats is your trusted choice for VIP Boxes Luxury Suites & Club Seats. We carry a large inventory of luxury options for concerts, sports and theater events nation wide
Have you ever wanted to feel the experience Disney On Ice VIP box seats? If the answer is a big yes, we at are here to help you with just that! Whether you’re in a group of four or even bigger, you don’t have to worry, as we have every kind of Disney On Ice VIP box and Disney On Ice suites for you in our inventory!
You know you’re undoubtedly making the right choice of going through our inventory to purchase Disney On Ice suites from us. Indeed, you’re going to have an amazing experience when you purchase a Disney On Ice VIP box as you get the best seats in the venue. Not only that, but you and your loved ones are guaranteed the intimate setting you desire, thereby elevating the whole experience! Enjoy VIP amenities such as VIP entrance, VIP parking, VIP club access, attendant and more.
When this is the kind of live event you’ve been waiting to be a part of your whole life, the sky is the limit! Rest assured, you won’t regret every dime you spend on a Disney On Ice VIP box or Disney On Ice suites! And who knows when will be the next time you get to attend the event live and that, too, at an arena near you? So, don’t give it a second thought and book your VIP seats from us right this instant!
No matter what your budget for VIP seats is, you know you’re going to get your hands on some affordable ones with us! You don’t have to worry about the safety of your personal details, as we safeguard them with our 100% secure system. That said, you might want to hurry up and book your Disney On Ice suites or Disney On Ice VIP box from us as quickly as you can. Since such an event is highly sought-after, you never know when the tickets will sell out. So, it’s always best to be prepared in advance.
However, no matter what day or time it is, you know for sure that we’ll be there for you at your beck and call. If you want to give it a try and book your tickets right away, head over to our inventory quickly and feast your eyes on the available tickets!